Conferences & Workshops


April 2017

3rd - 7th of April 2017, Theory and Practice of Multi-Party Computation Workshop, Bristol/UK
Several PRACTICE partners (UNIVBRIS, AU, BIU, TUDA) are co-organizing TPMPC, a workshop series on theory and practice of multi-party computation which is very related to the topics PRACTICE is working on.

October 2016

27th - 28thof October 2016, Innovation Week Adana, Adana/Turkey
PRACTICE project was mentioned in Arcelik presentation and brochures were distributed to the participants during the event

26th of October 2016, ACM CCS 2016, Vienna/Austria
Presentation of PRACTICE results in meeting regarding discussion of potential collaborative projects

24rd - 26th of October 2016, Data Driven Operations Management, Eindhoven/Netherlands
Discussions on chances and risks related to using data from Internet of Things, sensor technology, and social networks for operations management.

17th of October 2016, Collaborare e competere: gestire il rischio di perdita die dati confidenziali, Lecce/Italy
The methodology for data protection in collaborative business models and the PRACTICE fleet management case was presented.

5th of October 2016, Collaborateive Supply Chain and Data Protection, Bari/Italy
The methodology for data protection in collaborative business models and the PRACTICE fleet management case was presented.

September 2016

30th of September 2016, Controlling Leakage and Disclosure Risk in Big Data applications, Heraclion-Crete/Greece
Extending the PRACTICE approach: to a quantitative technique for computing Big Data leakage risk estimates

27th - 28thof September 2016, 5th R&D Centres Summit, Ankara/Turkey
Partner ARC won the most innovative R&D Centre award. PRACTICE was included among the exhibited projects at Arcelik booths

20th of September 2016, CUSO Doctoral School, Neuchatel/Switzerland
Doctoral school, where INESC PORTO's work in PRACTICE was presented to young researchers.

11th - 14th of September 2016, PRACTICE Summer School 2016, Bucharest/Romania
PRACTICE partners organize a summer school on the topic "Computer Aided Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols"

July 2016

18th of July 2016, SPMED - Real-World Security and Privacy for Collaborative Medical Analytics, Darmstadt/Germany
PRACTICE partners organize a workshop on Privacy and Medical Analytics at Security Week 2016

15th of July 2016, Inudstry 4.0 Turkey Brokerage Event, Bursa/Turkey
PRACTICE project was mentioned in Arcelik presentation and brochures were distributed to the participants during the event

June 2016

22nd - 24th of June 2016, Industrial Technologies 2016, Amsterdam/The Netherlands
PRACTICE was disseminated by partner Arcelik.

19th - 22nd of June 2016, ACNS 2016, London/United Kingdom
TUE presented a paper on privacy-preserving verifiable computation and B. Warinischi (UNIVBRIS) gave a keynote talk on the project's results on teh use of SGX for trustworthy computation

11th - 12th of June 2016, Farnborough International Airshow, Farnborough/UK
Exhibition of the most recent innovation related to aviation industry, DTA informed on research activities, hosted in the information stand of Regione Puglia

8th - 10th of June 2016, DIMACS/MACS Workshop on Cryptography for the RAM Model of Computation, Boston/USA
CYBER presented PRACTICE results

2nd of June 2016, MPC Workshop 2016, Aarhus/Denmark
TUDA presented PRACTICE results at the workshop

May 2016

25th of May 2016, Arcelik Global Suppliers Summit, Istanbul/Turkey
Arçelik presentation about innovative projects including PRACTICE and distribution of PRACTICE broschure at the Arçelik booths in the exhibition areas

17th - 18th of May 2016, Innovation Week Ankara, Ankara/Turkey
Arçelik presentation about innovative projects including PRACTICE and distribution of PRACTICE broschure at the Arçelik booths in the exhibition areas

11th of May 2016, Eurocrypt 2016, Vienna/Austria
TUDA presents PRACTICE results at the conference

9th - 11th of May 2016, Summer School on Secure and Oblivious Computation and Outsourcing, Illinois/USA
SAP participated in summer school where recent PRACTICE results have been discussed

4th - 5th of May 2016, Innovation Week Ankara, Ankara/Turkey
PRACTICE leaflets are distributed at the Arcelik booths in the exhibition areas.

April 2016

6th - 8th of April 2016, COST CryptoAction, Budapest/Hungary
INESC PORTO presented PRACTICE work on the use of Intel's SGX for outsourcing computations.

March 2016

17th - 18th of March 2016, Innovation Week Izmir, Izmir/Turkey
Arçelik presentation about innovative projects including PRACTICE and distribution of PRACTICE broschure at the Arçelik stands in the exhibition areas

15th of March 2016, Taranto-Grottaglie Test Bed, Grottaglie/Italy
DTA participated at the presentation of the Grottaglie Airport Test Bed (research infrastructure)

15th - 18th of March 2016, DATE 2016 Conference 2016, Dresden/Germany
Hardware design conference in Europe. Organized a special day on secure systems

8th of March 2016, Estonian Cloud Computing Conference, Tallinn/Estonia
Presentation of secure computing capabilities, including PRACTICE fraud detection prototype

February 2016

28th of February - 4th of March 2016, Estonian Winter School in Computer Science (EWSCS) 2016 , Palmse/Estonia
TUDA gave lecture series on PRACTICE results with title "Practical secure two-party computation and applications"

22nd - 26th of February 2016, Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2016 , Rockley/Barbados
Partner ALX presented a paper on the work done in WP23, titled "Confidential Benchmarking based on Multiparty Computation". Partner SAP presented computations on encrypted data at an invited panel

18th of February 2016, Presentation of project results at Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG, Winnenden/Germany
Presentation of PRACTICE results in meeting regarding discussion of potential collaborative projects

January 2016

31st of January - 2nd of Februray 2016, Dagstuhl Seminar 16051 "Modern Cryptography and Security: An Inter-Community Dialogue" 2016 , Dagstuhl/Germany
Presentation and discussion of PRACTICE results

18th - 20th of January 2016, Dagstuhl Workshop on Smart Grid Security 2016 , Dagstuhl/Germany
Discussion on enhancing privacy using secure multi-party computation

4th - 7th of January 2016, 6th BIU winter school 2016 , Ramat Gan/Israel
The topics were verifiable computation and different types of encryption methods that enable clients to encrypt data and carry out limited processing (e.g., search) while keeping it encrypted

December 2015

3rd - 5th of December 2015, Innovation Week Istanbul, Istanbul/Turkey
Arcelik participated in this event

1stof December 2015, Effektivitet, Denmark
A short article in a Danish business magazine about Secure Computation and various usecases related to PRACTICE was published

November 2015

10th of November 2015, AvonCrypt, Bristol/United Kingdom
Partner UNIVBRIS participated to the conference. The main topic was "Computing on Encrypted Data"

4th - 7th of November 2015, ECFI 2015 – 3rd European Conference on the Future Internet, Hamburg/Germany
Arcelik participated in this event

1st - 4th of November 2015, INFORMS Annual Conference, Philadelphia/USA
Presentation of paper regarding flexible capacity management with advanced information obtained through supply chain collaboration

October 2015

26th - 31st of October 2015, Regular meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27, Jaipur/India
Representing the PRACTICE contributions to privacy standards (SP Privacy Engineering Framework, NWIP Privacy-enhancing data de-identification, 19592-1/2)

20th - 22nd of October 2015, ICT Event 2015, Lisbon/Portugal
Representing PRACTICE at the event

19th - 20th of October 2015, International CAE Conference, Verona/Italy
The goal was to introduce innovative methdologies (risk analysis and secure computation) in the aerospace community

14th - 15th of October 2015, AeroSpace and Defence Days, Paris/France
A roundtable session was lead by DTA on the topic of aeronautic collabortive supply chain and security in data management

12th - 16th of October 2015, 22nd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2015 , Denver/USA
TUDA presented PRACTICE at the conference

12th - 13th of October 2015, Horizon 2020 Bridging Days, Izmir/Turkey
PRACTICE project was mentioned in the success story presentation of Arcelik and PRACTICE brochures were distributed to the participants

8th - 9th of October 2015, Conference on Turkish Universities in the European Research Area (ERA), Ankara/Turkey
Arçelik was the main sponsor of the event and PRACTICE project poster were shown at Arcelik stand in the exhibiton area and PRACTICE brochures were distributed to the participants

5th - 6th of October 2015, Horizon 2020 Workshop, Bursa/Turkey
PRACTICE project was mentioned in the success story presentation of Arcelik and PRACTICE brochures were distributed to the participants

September 2015

28th - 29th of September 2015, IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), Florence/Italy

23rd - 27th of September 2015, PRACTICE Summer School, Bucharest/Romania
PRACTICE in collaboration with the Polytechnic Institute Bucharest organized a summer school on topics related to Secure and Trustworthy Computing

August 2015

23rd - 26th of August 2015, LATINCRYPT 2015, Guadalajara/Mexico

22th - 27th of August 2015, TRUST2015, Heraklion/Greese
Chairing and presentation by INTEL and TUDA

12th - 14th of August 2015, 24th USENIX Security Symposium, Washington/USA

June 2015

8th - 12th of June 2015, Workshop on secure multiparty computation, Berkeley/California
The workshop was very related to the research which is performed in PRACTICE. Thus, BIU participated to learn more about the topic

2nd - 5 th of June 2015, 36th ACNS 2015, New York/USA

May 2015

18th - 20 th of May 2015, 36th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, San Jose/USA

6th of May 2015, Turkish Industry in Horizon 2020 Forum, Ankara/Turkey
PRACTICE project was mentioned in the success story presentation of Arcelik and PRACTICE brochures were distributed to the participants

April 2015

28th - 29th of April 2015, Cybersecurity and Privacy Innovation Forum, Brussels/Belgium
TEC presented PRACTICE at the CSP Forum

26th of April 2015, Working Group (WG2, WG3, WG4) Meetings 2015, Sofia/Bulgaria
Presentation by SAP of the following paper:

14th - 17th of April 2015, 10th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2015), Singapore/Asia
TUDA presented PRACTICE at the Symposium

11th - 15th of April 2015, ETAPS 2015 & POST 2015, London/UK

March 2015

March 2015, FP7 ICT Trust and Security Projects Handbook 2015 ,Trento/Italy
The PRACTICE project was included in the Handbook of ICT Security and Trust by the FP7 project “SecCOrd”

25th - 26th of March 2015, Net Futures 2015,Brussels/Belgium
PRACTICE brochures were distributed during Net Futures 2015

19th - 20th of March 2015, Turkey Innovation Week 2015 ,Izmir/Turkey
PRACTICE brochures were distributed at Innovation Week Izmir (19-20 March 2015) at Arcelik stand during the event

16th of March 2015, Secure Genome Analysis Competition at the IDASH Privacy and Security Workshop 2015, San Diego,CA/USA
CYBER prepared a competition task for the secure genome analysis competition and participated to present it. It turned out that the competition was not aware of some of the technologies used in PRACTICE and we ended up being disadvantaged in the competition. In one task (secure genome comparison in the multi-party setting), we had the fastest solution, but were disqualified due to the organizers deciding that the third server used too much (2 CPU cores) resources. They were also unsure of the legal status of three-party multi-party computation. By attending, we were able to show the benefits of PRACTICE statistics work and also explain our legal analysis. The interest to the PRACTICE legal work was especially strong. The organizers promised to modify the competition rules for the next year so more of our efficient technologies could be acceptable.

12th of March 2015, German-Turkish Year of Research Closing Ceremony 2015 , Ankara/Turkey
PRACTICE brochures were distributed during the German-Turkish Year of Research Closing Ceremony

February 2015

20th of February 2015, H2020 Industry Working Day - TUBITAK 2015, Ankara/Turkey
PRACTICE project mentioned during Arcelik success story presentation at TUBITAK

15th - 19th of February 2015, 5th BIU winter school 2015 , Ramat Gan/Israel
In the setting of secure multiparty computation, two or more parties with private inputs wish to compute some joint function of their inputs. The security requirements of such a computation are privacy (meaning that the parties learn the output and nothing more), correctness (meaning that the output is correctly distributed), independence of inputs, and more. This setting encompasses computations as simple as coin-tossing and agreement, and as complex as electronic voting, electronic auctions, electronic cash schemes, anonymous transactions, and private information retrieval schemes. Due to its generality, secure computation is a central tool in cryptography.

12th - 16th of February 2015, AAAS Annual Meeting 2015 , San Jose/USA
TUDA presented PRACTICE at the Symposium

8th - 11th of February 2015, NDSS Symposium 2015 , San Diego/USA
TUDA presented PRACTICE at the Symposium

5th - 6th of February 2015, Engineering knowledge management for product lifecycle optimization, trends, approaches and new insights 2015, Italy
DTA participated with an information stand at the workshop

January 2015

24th of January - 1st of February 2015, Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2015 , San Juan/Puerto Rico
SAP participated at the Financial Crypto conference

16st of January 2015, Big Data networking days , Brussels/Belgium
PRACTICE Brochures distributed and info given to the interested parties during the H2020 ICT-16 Big Data networking day in Brussels

7th - 9st of January 2015, Real World Crypto Workshop 2015 , London/England
CYBER demonstrated PRACTICE technologies at the Real World Crypto 2015 conference

December 2014

12th of December 2014, WG3 (Research and Innovation) of the EU Platform on Network and Information Security, Brussels/Belgium
Promotion of cloud privacy as an important challenge for future research

11th of December 2014, Second meeting of the Network and Information Security (NIS) Platform Plenary, Brussels/Belgium
Promotion of Practice goals within the EU Research community

5th of December 2014, Cryptography Working Group, Utrecht/The Netherlands

4th - 6th of December 2014, Turkey Innovation Week, Istanbul/Turkey
Arcelik was the main sponsor of this event and was present PRACTICE at their booth in the exhibition area

30th of November - 5th December 2014, Dagstuhl Seminar 14492, Dagstuhl/Germany

November 2014

23rd - 30th of November 2014, The Joint EasyCrypt-F*-CryptoVerif School2014, Paris/France

20th - 21st of November 2014, NESSI Members and International Cooperation Days, Barcelona/Spain

20th of November 2014, W3C Workshop on User-Centric Privacy Controls, Berlin/Germany

7th of November 2014, ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop (CCSW 2014), Arizona/USA
Florian Kerschbaum (SAP), Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (TUDA) and Thomas Schneider (TUDA) were program committee members

October 2014

27th - 28th of October 2014, International CAE Conference, Verona/Italy

20th - 24th of October 2014, Regular meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27, Mexico City/Mexico

10th of October 2014, UNICRIWorkshop on Cyber Threats, Turin/Italy

September 2014

23rd of September 2014, CYSPA Workshop on Cyber Security, Berlin/Germany

11th of September 2014, Usable and Efficient Secure Multiparty Computation, Wroclaw/Poland

3rd - 5thof September 2014, 9th Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks, Amalfi/Italy

3rd - 5thof September 2014, Summer School on Mobile and Cloud Security, Padova/Italy

August 2014

31st of August 2014, 2014 International Summer School on Smart & Mobile Device Security and Privacy, Padua/Italy

20th - 22nd of August 2014, 23rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '14), San Diego (CA)/USA
Bar-Ilan University's (BIU) and Technical University Darmstadt's (TUDA) peer-reviewed publications:

17th - 21st of August 2014, CRYPTO 2014, Santa Barbara (CA)/USA
The following paper was presented, and acknowledges PRACTICE's support:

  • Y. Lindell and B. Riva:
    Cut-and-Choose Yao-Based Secure Computation in the Online/Offline and Batch Settings

July 2014

21st - 24th of July 2014, Cryptography Summer School, Bucharest/Romania
The University of Bristol in collaboration with the Romanian Academy of Science and the University of Bucharest, and with the support of the FP7 EU project PRACTICE organized a summer school on modern cryptography.

15th of July 2014, Workshop on Genome Privacy, Amsterdam/Netherlands
Cybernetica participated as panel speaker and presented the genome studies animation from PRACTICE

June 2014

21st - 27th of June 2014, Intel Retreat, Portland/USA

11th - 13th of June 2014, 2nd ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security (IH&MMSEC'14), Salzburg/Austria
Technical University of Darmstadt (TUDA) peer-reviewed publications:

10th - 13th of June 2014, 12th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, Lausanne/Switzerland

10th - 11th of June 2014, Intelligent Things, Vehicles and Factories: Intel Workshop on Cyberphysical and Mobile Security, Darmstadt/Germany

May 2014

28th - 29th of May 2014, IARPA SPAR-MPC workshop, Boston/USA

20th - 21st of May 2014, Annual Privacy Forum 2014, Athens/Greece
Day 1 paper session "Privacy by design":

  • Privacy-Preserving Statistical Data Analysis on Federated Databases (Cybernetica)
  • Privacy By Encrypted Databases (SAP)

5th - 9th of May 2014, Workshop: Theory and Practice of Secure Multiparty Computation, Aarhus/Denmark
Aarhus University, Bar Ilan University and Technical University of Darmstadt participated.

April 2014

7th of April 2014, Regular meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27, Hong Kong SAR/China

7th - 8th of April 2014, The Trust in the Digital World (TDW) conference, Vienna/Austria
TECHNIKON presented PRACTICE at the conference with a booth.

29th of April 2014, New Frontiers for European Entrepreneurs, Brussels/Belgium

March 2014

27th of March 2014, DIMACS Workshop on Secure Cloud Computing, New Jersey/USA

2nd - 7thof March 2014, 19th Estonian Winter School in Computer Science (EWSCS), Palmse/Estonia

3rd - 7th of March 2014, Eighteenth International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, Barbados
PRACTICE team members attended this conference. Financial Cryptography and Data Security is a major international forum for research, advanced development, education, exploration, and debate regarding information assurance, with a specific focus on commercial contexts.

February 2014

20th - 21st of February 2014, Workshop on Applied Multi-Party Computation, Redmond/USA

January 2014

27th - 30th of January 2014, 4th Bar-Ilan Winter School on Cryptography - Symmetric Encryption in Theory and in Practice, Ramat Gan/Israel
This winter school was partially sponsored by PRACTICE (under grant agreement n. 609611).
Visit Gallery

13th - 15th of January 2014, Real World Crypto Workshop, New York/USA
Riivo Talviste from Cybernetica presented "Secure Shared Computation in the Public Cloud"

December 2013

19th of December 2013, International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS), Kolkata/India
Keynote speaker: Florian Kerschbaum (SAP) "An Encrypted In-Memory Column-Store"

11th - 12th of December 2013, Cluster Workshop on Cyber Security in FP7 Security & Trust Research Projects & Participation in the WG3 (Research and Innovation) of the EU Platform on Network and Information Security & Participation in the Plenary of the EU Platform on Network and Information Security, Brussels/Belgium

November 2013

4th - 10th of November 2013, ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Berlin/Germany
PRACTICE partners participated


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Project reference: 609611
Start date: 2013-11-01
End date: 2016-10-31
Duration: 36 months
Project cost: € 10.456.059
Project funding: € 7.550.000                   

          Programme type:
Seventh Framework Programme
Programme acronym:
Contract type:
Collaborative project



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 609611